November 26, 2011

Guest post: Campfire Song

Today we have Lindsey from Campfire song who has written something for you all, I just love this post because it is something that I am working on myself...make sure to go tell her hi and show some love when you're done reading!**


It stops you from chasing your dreams.
It keeps you awake at night.
It steals your confidence.

It’s paralyzing. It keeps you static. It tells you you’re not good enough. It keeps you stuck in your past and terrified of what your future holds.

It causes physical pain; even disease.

It keeps you unhappy.

It disallows you to fulfill your potential.
To be you.

It’s fear.

Fear of the unknown.
Of judgement.
Of failure. Pain. Change.

How does this emotion get control of us? While it’s designed to keep us safe, for many of us it’s crippling.
Like a cage.

Technically it’s not even real – it makes us afraid of what we think might happen.

I have fear.
Fear of death. Fear about money. Fear that the baby won’t sleep through the night. Fear that in general I missed the boat and am doing it all wrong. Fear of spiders and gross animals. Fear that I’ve carried with me for decades.

I’m tired, and I’m done with fear now.

Or, once I figure out how to make it go away I will be.

Until then I’m learning about fruits (Matt. 7:20), learning to think in the present (not the past…), and trying to keep it rational.


  1. This is GREAT and so so true! Fear is definitely crippling. I know from experience that it does keep you caged. I'm still working on living a completely unafraid life, and instead focus on the truth: "Perfect love casts out fear..." [1 John 4:18] Great post!

  2. I struggle with fear too (especially recently) it is something that i continue to work on and try to just kick fear to the curb!

  3. Can you imagine the amount of time and worry that we'd save if we could be literally unafraid through everything? That would be amazing.


Thank you so much for taking a moment to comment! ♡

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