August 14, 2013

David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.

A few weeks ago, on a day when it was in the upper 70's (heat wave, watch out!) here in Anchorage and a beautiful sunny day...Dave and I decided to head downtown and see if there was a spot he could plug in and jam out. We found the perfect spot at Anchorage Town Square, Dave asked the few people that were lounging in the grass if they would mind if he played for a bit, and everyone said no.

So that's exactly what he did. Once he got set up and started playing, people who would be power walking by would stop and linger or sit and stay once they heard him. It was so much fun! Dave even got an unexpected backup singer/ was all fun and games until he started grabbing Dave's guitar. Not cool, man, not cool.

David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.
David Owens Music Live ↠ Anchorage Town Square.

The food stand people brought us a few waters and people really seemed to enjoy stopping for a bit to bask in the sunshine and listen to some live music. One of Dave's friends from the Air Force even was driving by and heard his voice, he made his girlfriend check on facebook if Dave was in fact in Anchorage and then they turned the car around to come listen and say hi. Such a small world.

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