September 8, 2011

Runner's high...

The other day I went on my first good, long run in what seems like forever. It has been one of the hottest summers yet and since pretty much the last two months have consistently been over 100 degrees that puts a damper on running outside (at least for me.) So this summer I've stuck to yoga and other DVD's to do inside...

The weather this week has been beyond fabulous. It has been in the 70's and 80's all week, and after the heat we've had it was time for a break. I'm really hoping the mother nature isn't just messing with us, because I am so ready for fall...I wish it could be in the 70's all the time...

Anyways, I went for an hour long run and it felt beyond amazing. I just kept thinking (as I often do when running) that if I could somehow bottle that feeling up I would never skip a workout again. No excuse in the world could keep me from that feeling. So hopefully now I can just look back at this post and remember...

Runner's High // Home is with You
Runner's High // Home is with You

...I'm off to do it again this morning! :)

Linking up with The Wiegand's

**PS~ Don't forget to enter the Luxe Blossom Giveaway! There will be two winners!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this :) My friend Emma shook her finger at me yesterday because after running consistantly for WEEKS this summer I completely quit. I guess I inspired her to pick up running again, so when she found out I've been slacking, she was quite disappointed. During my running stint this summer I signed up for a 5k that's coming up quickly, September 25th. So you know what my dear friend Emma did? She signed up for that same 5k to make sure I didn't skip out on it! Oy vay, gotta love her!

  2. Aren't good runs outside the best? I'm very fortunate that I've gotten in lots of runs outside this morning, but the past few days have been on the treadmill due to the obscene rain.

    New follower :)

  3. I LOVE the feeling after a good run and a good workout! Happy running to you (:

  4. woohoo ... way to go ... and not only will this motivate you ... but it'll motivate me ... coming from the wiegands link up!

  5. I love how I feel after I work out, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to bottle that feeling! I'm always just repeating to myself "don't forget how you feel right now, don't forget how you feel right now..."

  6. There really is nothing quite like a good workout :)

  7. It's such a great feeling, isn't it? And exactly best to workout inside on 100+ days...

  8. Thanks! And yes, hopefully it'll motivate us both :)

  9. Welcome :) And it always helps to have someone to push you, my husband is great at reminding me of my goals.

  10. Seems like you've got a great routine of your own down. And really I used to hate running and then my high school basketball coach finally convinced me to run track. She had me do distance and I fell in love...

  11. I SO need to start running now that it is starting to cool off a little!!


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