Today I am beyond thrilled to introduce to you a new project from Ashley of The Shine Project.
Pass it Forward.
And really, it's as simple as that. Here's what Ashley has to say about it...
"Pass It Forward was designed to get people to do little things, everyday, that makes an impact on the community around them. Pass it Forward is designed around a card. Each card is given a unique ID number. Lets say we're at McDonalds, and I decide to pay for the person behind me in the drive through. I'd give the cashier the card, and tell them to pass it along to the next car when the give them the food that has been paid for. I then go home and log into the website that was on the card, and find my unique ID number. I log into it, and add my information... My first name, city, and a description of what I did....
Let's say the person behind me was you, you would pass it forward to someone else, and then would go home and do the same thing. From the very beginning, you will be able to track where your card goes, and how many people you affect just by doing one simple act of kindness."
To check out the new site, go here. And to read more about the project, go here. Are you guys as excited about this as I am? What would you do with your pass it forward card?

Wow this is so cool! It would be so interesting to see how far one little card goes!
ReplyDeleteCool!! I know she is doing an event in Dallas this weekend and I am hoping she comes to Austin!
ReplyDeleteHeard Ashley present at Trophy point Texas. Shine Project is awesome. Already passed it on by buying an anonymous lunch for someone last week :)