It's hard for me to pick just one quote as a favorite, because I sort of collect quotes in a way. I seek them out online, in books I read, and in favorite songs. I love writing them down and sometimes displaying them as a good reminder. I tend to post favorite quotes on this blog often, I'll link to previous quotes at the end...
I chose this quote from "The Time Keeper" by Mitch Albom because it's my current favorite. I read this book (and found this quote) while I was staying with my parents after my Grandma passed away. This book/quote couldn't have come at a better time and it's just a wonderful reminder to not let a day pass without making it a great one. Life is too short to wish our days away.
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I love, love, love this quote!
I don't know that I could've picked just one quote if I was doing this blogging challenge haha - great quote!