April 13, 2012

Giving Thanks.

I'm ashamed to admit that lately I've been a little too focused on the things I don't yet have. I'm sick of hearing myself talk about the things I'd like to have when we have the money for said things. It's just not me. So today I made a list of some things I am extremely grateful for that I can enjoy today...
Giving Thanks // Home is with You
Giving Thanks // Home is with You
Giving Thanks // Home is with You
Giving Thanks // Home is with You

Of course there are other things that I'm thankful for- like my family, friends, a roof over our heads, clothes in our closet, bills that are paid, etc. The list could go on and on. I'm so very thankful for so many things in my life, I just need to shift my focus back to them.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. you are surrounded by so much love and support and beautiful things!

  2. Oh so many things! Thanks for the reminder that we have all that we NEED for joy and contentment.~ Let's see, right now I'm thankful for: a warm shower, cozy yoga pants, two sweet puppies, a hubby who is out working hard to pay our bills, sunshine, bread baking in the oven, health, clean kitchen floors, and lovely blogs to read :-). Happy Friday!

  3. This is such a sweet post. I don't think you should be ashamed at all. It's very hard to focus on what we have instead of we want. Especially when you blog and you see what other people have. And Pinterest doesn't help at all. But it's good that you realize that and trying to change!

    I'm also thankful for my husband, my camera, having a warm house, jobs that pay our bills and a car that takes us to places! I'm also very thankful for sunsets and fresh flowers! Those things make me extremely happy :)

  4. Beautiful pictures & a sweet post!


  5. This was such a sweet post! I'm a new follower to your blog and I'm lovin' it! Thank you for reminding ME to be thankful today. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I always think that the smallest things are the one that needs more attention! Life is good because of the small details!
    I just met your blog and I'm in love with your story! You and Dave look so cute together, and I'll definitively will keep in touch with your blog and his music! xxo

    Shout Sabrina


Thank you so much for taking a moment to comment! ♡

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