It felt strange as I picked up my pace from a walk to a run. I felt like I was doing it wrong, which is silly, because how could I go wrong? After a bit I got my stride back and it felt great. I was amazed at how exciting it was to get my groove back and zone out to the songs I had on my iPhone. That is, until a song from She and Him's Christmas album came on...I really need to update my playlist.

I ran until I didn't think I could anymore. As I slowed to a walk it all hit me- my knees ached, my ankle throbbed, and my left shin had shooting pains. Just as I was starting to get down on myself of how I was falling apart at the ripe old age of 26, I came across the sweetest old man...

He had one leg and was operating a motorized wheelchair with a couple of groceries on his lap. I could tell he was a veteran because of his hat and he looked somewhere between 88-90 some years old...and he was smiling ear to ear. The man didn't have a care in the world as he waved and said hi to each person that passed him by, including me.

Tears filled my eyes once I passed the man and I thought, "What is wrong with me?". That man had plenty to be down on himself about and yet, he was just happy to be alive. Suddenly I felt thankful to have two legs that worked and the ability to run at all. I picked up my pace again and continued to run all the way home.

The reality is, we're all just lucky to be here and I don't want to take another day for granted...

this is beautiful! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post, Mallorie. It's funny how little things like that can change the way we see the world. One thing my mom taught me when I was a kid is to thank God for everyday you had - we have a home when some people sleep under bridges, we have the privilege of choosing what food we want to eat when some people are dying of hunger, etc... It's so important to realize that!
ReplyDeleteI love the little moments where you are truly humbled and you realize how blessed you are to be alive!
ReplyDeleteWhat a truly beautiful post- I have just found your blog and I am actually in tears reading this. What you say is so true.
ReplyDeleteWe really are lucky to be here.
Such a sweet post. You're right, it could always be worse. Sometimes though, we need reminders of this!
ReplyDeleteThat is so true, running makes me appreciate my body and how strong it can be, we should never take that for granted..
ReplyDeletethese are some truly lovely photos, as well as an amazing story! xo
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful reminder. I am so glad I read this today. Those photos are so lovely too!
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL! such true words, and did you take these photos? they are breathtaking.