May 1, 2012


We all have walls in our lives- things that hold us back, things that we're afraid of, things that keep us from pushing forward and reaching our dreams.


Some we put up ourselves and some are put there by others. Those that we put up ourselves are in our heads, fear and doubt create these walls; while the walls put up by others are often there to make sure we really want what's on the other side of that wall.


But what is it that keeps us from getting over the walls in our life? Some may require we take a step back before we're able to get past them, while others require us to ask for help in order to get a push to the other side.


If we don't get over these obstacles it's our own fault, we allow fear to win. Let's not allow that to happen anymore, deal? Because it can be so beautiful on the other side...



  1. I love this post because I can relate. I did a small group study at church back in September where we learned and discovered the walls that keep us from a loving relationship with God, family, friends, the community. It was AMAZING and I highly recommend checking out the videos from the series. They are on page 7 and 6 of our church's vimeo site..

  2. Love this post and the beautiful pictures! You have the cutest blog.

    Ashton from

  3. Amazing photos & beautiful post...or vice versa ;)

  4. Amazing post and beautiful post <3


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